2013 Spain horror by Manolito Motosierra now with added cuts details
 | 30th July 2024
| Thanks to Mike |
The Spanish Chainsaw Massacre is a 2013 Spain horror by Manolito Motosierra. Starring Hilario Blas, Pedro García Oliva and Óscar Gisbert.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated 2014 DVD release Promotional Material Las Pollas del Metal (The Metal Dicks), a heavy metal band, are on tour to promote their first album. On
the road to Galicia, their van suffers a flat tyre and they have to stay overnight at the "Gutierrez's town", a small village located nowhere. Next day, the town is throwing a festival where its inhabitants celebrate the patron saint's day. The
Mayor invites the artists to join the celebration and they accept, without knowing a brutal danger awaits them.
|  | US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
Note that this release nominally runs for 74m but this includes padding as kindly described by Mike: 0.00-03.52 is a promo reel for some of the label's other releases. 03.52 - 18:02 is a
short film about a woman who has an unfortunate habit of chopping men's heads off while having sex with them. No idea what that is, no title is given. I thought at first it might have been the start of the main feature since a chainsaw appears at one
point, but since everyone is speaking English rather than Spanish and the actors are American, it turned out not to be. 18:02 main film begins. The scene cut from the UK release appears right at the start, even before the credits.
66:05 main film appears to finish. The next few minutes are outtakes and one of the director's music videos, but then 2-3 minutes of footage appears which I could have sworn were part of the original film. I've watched an online
version of the film where that section appears after the closing credits. 18:02 - 66:05 is 48 minutes and 3 seconds. If you add on the 2-3 minutes at the end and regard it as part of the main film, that makes it just over 51
minutes. The UK release was 51 minutes, I believe, and was only cut by 32 seconds, so it's quite likely this is 51-52 minutes and the full version. But as you can see, it's quite hard to tell because they've made a complete mess
of the release. You can't even read the English subs properly as they frequently fall off the bottom of the screen.
compulsory cuts
cut: | 32s | run: | 53:29s | pal: | 51:21s |
|  | UK: Passed 18 for strong bloody violence, strong sex after 32s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
The BBFC commented:
- Cut required to a sequence of sadistic and sexualised violence involving a child.
The BBFC further commented in the Annual Report covering 2014: The Spanish Chainsaw Massacre is a Spanish film in which a heavy metal band find themselves in a village of cannibals after their van breaks down. The BBFC
removed a sequence of sadistic and sexualised violence involving a child before passing the film 18. The film also includes scenes of characters being torn open and having their intestines pulled out, a penis being bitten and torn
off, and a foetus being pulled from a woman's body.
Thanks to Mike who adds: The US DVD contains the full version, and I can confirm that the cut is to a scene fairly early on in which a woman with
breasts exposed is chased through woodland by a local and is then beaten repeatedly over the head with a rock while a girl (child) is watching a few feet away. Frankly the BBC made it sound much worse than it is. It's only
sexualised in that the victim's shirt is open, and the sadism is due to the number of blows to the head. The gore effects are pretty poor anyway. Nothing sadistic is done to the child, and and nothing sexualised happens to her either. She just stands
there watching. It's actually quite a notable BBFC decision in that they very rarely cut scenes in which a child actor is exposed to violence on the set. But that's what happened here.
1987 US comedy horror by Deborah Brock, previously banned by the BBFC, now just passed 15 uncut
 | 14th July 2024
| Thanks to Scott
Slumber Party Massacre II is a 1987 US comedy horror by Deborah Brock. With Crystal Bernard, Jennifer Rhodes and Kimberly McArthur.
Banned by the BBFC in 1988 after an extensive cuts list was refused. The film remained unreleased until 2024 when it was 15 rated and uncut. In the US it exists in a Theatrical R rated version, and an Extended Version which is MPAA
Unrated Summary Review: Amusing Enough More of a comic vein than its predecessor and now in a musical setting. The weapon of choice is an electric guitar cum electric drill.
The death scenes are very twisted with the killer playing guitar and singing as he kills his victims. A favourite scene of mine involves death by acne. One of the central characters is actually engulfed by a rapid
growing zit, until it pops all over the protagonist and she is presumed dead - that is until she walks through the front door about 10 minutes later. The over-the-topness seems to be amusing enough. For bad movie fans, that
 Extended Version
|  | US: An extended version is uncut and MPAA unrated for:
- 2023 SHOUT! FACTORY [Slumber Party Massacre I (Theatrical) + II (Theatrical + Unrated)] R0 4K Blu-ray/(RA) Blu-ray Combo
at US Amazon #ad
- 2017 Shout! Factory Double Feature [Slumber Party Massacre II + III,
both Theatrical + Extended] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
- 2010 Shout Factory Slumber Party
Massacre Collection [1-3] R1 DVD via UK Amazon and
at US Amazon
See pictorial version details from movie-censorship.com |
 Theatrical Version
| UK: The Theatrical Version is uncut and
BBFC 15 rated for strong bloody violence, gore, threat, horror, nudity, sex references:
- 2024 101 Films Blu-ray (rated 05/07/2024)
US: The Theatrical Version is uncut and MPAA R rated for:
- 2023 SHOUT! FACTORY [Slumber Party Massacre I (Theatrical) + II (Theatrical + Unrated)] R0 4K Blu-ray/(RA) Blu-ray Combo
at US Amazon #ad
- 2017 Shout! Factory Double Feature [Slumber Party Massacre II + III,
both Theatrical + Extended] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
- 2010 Shout Factory Slumber Party
Massacre Collection [1-3] R1 DVD via UK Amazon and
at US Amazon
- 2002 New Concorde R1 DVD
at US Amazon
|  banned
|  | UK: Presumably it was the Extended Version that was banned by the BBFC for:
From IMDB. The BBFC offered an extensive cuts list which was not acceptable to the distributor, and so the video was banned. The BBFC commented in the Annual Report covering 1988:
Scenes of terrorising, blood-letting and gleeful infliction of pain underlined an unacceptable tone of sadism in a work purporting to be a satirical horror fantasy but developing a pervasive undercurrent of mutilation as fun.
Shown on the Horror Channel in 2006 |
Police Federation bosses object to title of new ITV police comedy called Piglets
 | 9th July 2024
| See article from thesun.ie |
A new ITV comedy show titled Piglets has raised the heckles of the police. The new series, which is set to start airing on July 20, follows the experiences of a group of trainee officers as they start prepping to join the police force. The Police Federation issued a statement hitting out at the name of the series, with the Acting Chair calling it disgusting. Tiffany Lynch, Acting National Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said:
The new ITV show titled Piglets is highly offensive to police officers risking their lives to protect the public every day by providing an emergency service. It is a disgusting choice of language to use for the title
of a TV programme. Our colleagues are working hard and keeping people safe under relentless negative pressure at the moment, insulting our new in service officers is unhelpful. We should not be put at further risk for viewing
numbers, our officers deserve respect, not humiliation for the job they are undertaking. It is actually incredibly dangerous to incite more negativity and misinformation against a public sector service that's already under so much pressure.
Despite the criticsim ITV has stood strong in their decision to air the series under the title Piglets, emphasizing that the show is fictional. A spokesperson told GB News: Piglets is a fictional new comedy
about a police training academy and the title is not intended to cause any offence, it's a comedic and endearing play on words to emphasise the innocence and youth of our young trainees.
The Police Federation have made clear that they
intend to reach out to Ofcom and make an official complaint about the comedy show. |
9th July 2024
Canada legislated to make Facebook pay for links to Canadian news sites, Facebook responded by disallowing such links See article from wsws.org
The British Board of Film Censors bans its first video in a little while
 | 4th July 2024
| Thanks to Scott
Reality Killers is a 2005 Italy Horror Film by Alessandro Capone
 Banned by the BBFC for 2024 video. Versions
|  | UK: Banned by BBFC
- 2024 Treasured Films video (rated 01/07/24)
The BBFC commented: Reality Killers is a horror film in which a man obsessed with violent snuff videos, featuring people being abused, tortured and killed, goes on to commit his own similar crimes.
Reality Killers consists of a series of short vignettes in which people, including women and children, are killed. In some cases, acts of sadistic violence follow or involve sexual behaviour and nudity. The protagonist acts as a
narrator, relishing in the violence and endorsing the actions of the killers. Women, in particular, are portrayed as either sexual objects to be abused or as predatory killers themselves. Potentially harmful attitudes, such as the suggestion that victims
and perpetrators enjoy violence, and that women are presented primarily as sex objects or predatory killers, are not clearly challenged, nor is there a narrative counterbalance to the sustained focus on sadism. As a last resort,
the BBFC may find content unsuitable for classification, in line with the objective of preventing non-trivial harm risks to potential viewers and, through their behaviour, to society. In our Classification Guidelines we state that this may occur where a
central concept is unacceptable, such as a sustained focus on rape, other non-consensual sexually violent behaviour or sadistic violence. The guidelines also state that we consider whether the availability of the material to the age group concerned would
run contrary to broad public opinion. The BBFC considered whether the film's issues could be adequately addressed through intervention such as cuts. As Reality Killers consists almost entirely of scenes of sadistic violence and
abuse, we determined that cuts would not effectively address these issues. The film, when taken as a whole, transgresses BBFC Classification Guidelines and policy, and we believe that its classification even at 18 would run contrary to broad public
opinion. The BBFC therefore found Reality Killers to be unsuitable for classification.