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Facial Recognition

An end to privacy and anonymity


Offsite Article: French Government fines Clearview for GDPR violations...

Link Here 25th October 2022
Full story: Facial Recognition...An end to privacy and anonymity
Clearview is a reprehensible company that crapes social media for names and faces and sells facial recognition databases to the likes of law enforcement

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Taking a clear view on Clearview...

Swedish police fined for the illegal use of facial recognition AI software

Link Here 11th February 2021
Full story: Facial Recognition...An end to privacy and anonymity
The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (IMY) has found that the Swedish Police Authority processed personal data in breach of the Swedish Criminal Data Act when using Clearview AI to identify individuals.

An IMY investigation concluded that Cleaview AI has been used by the Police on a number of occasions without any prior authorisation.

IMY concluded that the Police didn't fulfil its obligations as a data controller on a number of accounts with regards to the use of Clearview AI. The Police has failed to implement sufficient organisational measures to ensure and be able to demonstrate that the processing of personal data in this case has been carried out in compliance with the Criminal Data Act. When using Clearview AI the Police has unlawfully processed biometric data for facial recognition as well as having failed to conduct a data protection impact assessment which this case of processing would require.

IMY fined the police SEK 2,500,000 (approximately euro 250,000). IMY also ordered the Police to conduct further training and education of its employees in order to avoid any future processing of personal data in breach of data protection rules and regulations. In addition the Police were ordered to inform the data subjects, whose data has been disclosed to Clearview AI, when confidentiality rules so allows. Finally the Police are ordered to ensure, to the extent possible, that any personal data transferred to Clearview AI is erased.



Offsite Article: Oppressive CCTV...

Link Here21st November 2020
Full story: Facial Recognition...An end to privacy and anonymity
Video Analytics User Manuals Are a Guide to Dystopia. By Dave Maass and Matthew Guariglia

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Offsite Article: The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It...

Link Here19th January 2020
Full story: Facial Recognition...An end to privacy and anonymity
A little-known start-up helps law enforcement match photos of unknown people to their database of online images scraped from social media

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Offsite Article: Facial recognition...

Link Here31st December 2019
Full story: Facial Recognition...An end to privacy and anonymity
People hate it but government's love it, guess who is prevailing?

See article from

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